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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 20 » Лара Крофт: Колыбель жизни / Lara Crof.. / (2005)
Лара Крофт: Колыбель жизни / Lara Crof.. / (2005)

Описание: На сей раз Лара Крофт, аристократка, археолог и путешественница, отправляется в затонувший храм, ведущий в сферу, где спрятан легендарный ящик Пандоры. И она добывает этот ящик, но с присущим ей легкомыслием позволяет украсть его Чену Ло - главарю преступного китайского синдиката. У китайца есть компаньон по имени Рейсс, который намерен использовать ящик Пандоры как "оружие судного дня"...
Режиссер: Ян де Бонт /Jan de Bont/
В ролях: Анджелина Джоли /Angelina Jolie/, Джерард Батлер /Gerard Butler/, Крис Бэрри /Chris Barrie/, Ноа Тейлор /Noah Taylor/, Джимон Хунсу /Djimon Hounsou/
Жанр: Боевик, Приключения
Год: 2005
Просмотров: 6844

At this day and age, as the community continues to grow, popular sites like World of  and Neopets get even bigger, while promising new websites get launched, hoping to get their share of  enthusiasts on the Net. Such is the case of the  portal, which offers a variety of single and  and incorporates some interesting features into its community system. 

At first glance, the design of the website catches the surfer's eye with its bright and vibrant orange color. The sign up process is fast and simple; after filling in a couple of forms,   The new user gets introduced to the concept avatars, (see sample picture here) which can be further customized when the user has gained some experience by playing games on the site. The idea is that you

There's a large selection of arcade, The are obviously what mostly attracts to the site, judging by their number of players. The single  however, are quite enjoyable as well

To sum up offers the  a quality  experience, enhanced by a handful of interesting community features. The website is not big enough to create a true sense of community yet, but it has all the potential to grow, so visitors of Tomb Raider are encouraged to visit and give Gunbound Revolution a try.

Категория: Боевик | Просмотров: 804 | Добавил: 6paT | Рейтинг: 4.0/1
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«  Сентябрь 2010  »
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